Email Marketing

Service by Growth Oasis

Email marketing is one of the most effective, and arguably the most complicated strategy to use successfully.  How many emails do you get every day that just make you want to do away with your email account all together?  If you are like us, it is far too many.  When someone gives you an email, they have a trust in your business, and in turn, so many companies think it is ok to send emails daily.  Let’s be real here, no one wants that!  

We tailor a strategy based on your specific business model, and make sure that it is executed in a way as to not be a turn off to your customer base.  A successful campaign actually leaves them feeling great that they were reminded about your business, or thankful if you are sending out coupons to get them moving.

Email Marketing = Conversions

The goal of most of our campaigns are to get people motivated to convert some specific goal that we set for your business.  The obvious one is a sales funnel that will bring you more business in short order, but that is not the only one that we use often.  Another goal could be brand loyalty with your customers, these campaigns designed to make your customers really feel appreciated, which is more of a longer term value play.  Another thing that we do is to let your customers about milestones, or things that you are doing in the community. 

All of these strategies play a very important role in a successful email marketing campaign, and we would love the opportunity to tailor a custom plan for your business.

We are a team of experts

Just a bit of background on us, we have a vast amount of experience in everything from SEO to email marketing for a wide range of companies.  From restaurants to golf club manufacturers, from e-commerce to bricks and mortar locations, we have the right tools for your job.  Even if we have never operated in your industry, we have spoke to your customers before, and we’ll make sure that the strategy is right for your target market. Getting to know your customers is critical to campaign success!

The “one size fits all” approach to any strategy in business will surely lead to lackluster results.  We learned long ago that when you try to be something to everyone, you end up being forgettable in the long run.  Our methods are based on customer segmentation, and how we communicate to people looking for a financial advisor will be vastly different from how we communicate to customers of a salon.  Even though there will certainly be overlap there, the messaging will be different to get people feeling, and ultimately moving towards our conversion goals.

What drives your website great results

Timing and delivery of email marketing campaigns are the building blocks to success.  We have the right tools, and experience to make sure that we are demonstrating clear value from day one.  If we are not creating clear success in hitting our conversion goals, don’t worry, we will fire ourselves.  Failure is not an option.

Case Studies

Check out of few of the other customers that we have helped recently.  We would love to start writing your success story next!

Optimized Webpages
Expected ROI %

Feel free to talk to us

We are looking forward to hearing from you.  We know that asking for help can be hard, but your time is best spent delighting your customers/operating.  Reach out, and let us get more customers in the door for you to impress!


 Call Now!  +1-919-729-6354