Social Media Management

Service by Growth Oasis

Social media is one of the best way to build a loyal following of customers, while at the same time being one of the hardest things to keep up with while running a business.  To win in social media, top-notch photography, and engaging content are a must.  Where many people fail is by knowing that it needs to be done, but only give it a half-engaged effort, and people will notice.  They say that there is no such thing as bad publicity, but sometimes you only have one shot at winning the hearts, and minds of potential customers.  Let us handle your social media, and you can focus on delighting the customer.

Social Media- The Ultimate Customer Funnel

Yes, social media will be able to make your business “cool” almost immediately, but what good is that if it does not add to your sales, and ultimately your bottom line?  If we were providing a service that was an expense, as opposed as an investment into additional sales, we would not be in business long.  Fortunately for us, and you, we will tailor a specific media strategy for your type of business that will cost a fraction of what one commercial would cost per month.  We will blow away a TV commercial with a comprehensive strategy that will begin adding customers to your business in a matter of weeks.   

Social Media Accounts

  • Optimize Facebook
  • Optimize Instagram
  • Optimize Tumblr
  • Optimize Twitter

Content Creation

  • Product Photography
  • Lifestyle Photography
  • Content Writing
  • Video Editing

Content Marketing

  • AdWords Campaigns
  • Geographic Boosts
  • Email Marketing
  • Ad Strategy

Performance Reporting

  • Click Through Rates
  • Google Analytics
  • Google Search Console
  • A/B Testing
Optimized Webpages
Expected ROI %

Raleigh Social Media Management

Assuming that your website is now seo optimized, has engaging content, and a good user experience, it is time to move to the next phase.  Social media execution the right way, is a very involved process that takes both skill, and tools to make it successful.  However, when done the right way, the long term business gains that you can get from the effective use of these tools are truly unparalleled.

We can’t discuss individual customer numbers, but we can say that 300-500% revenue increases with a well executed plan are well within the realm of possibility.  So, when considering this service, it should be viewed as an investment into future business growth as opposed to another expense, because unlike inventory/utilities/rent, this is money that works toward developing future business, and in some cases a cult following that starts a grass roots word of mouth movement that is extremely valuable, and difficult to quantify. 

We Track Our Results

Depending on how much data you would be interested in, we can create custom reports that will show how many new customers are flowing to your site as a result of our social media efforts.  Some businesses are harder to track than others, but we will do our best to connect metrics that will let you fully understand the value that we are adding for your business.  Some businesses use the ultimate metric in sales growth, and we encourage that as well!

Social Media Analysis

We will be able to show you reports that show what social media platforms give you the most traffic, how long they stay, and what they do while on your site.  This type of data is not only a good way to see the social media effectiveness, but also a good tool to let you understand what site optimizations would be beneficial to make the users experience with your site even better!

Social Media Scheduling

We create content, and posts, and have them run on a schedule to make sure that the content is fresh & consistent.

Competitive Analysis

We monitor what your competitors are doing, what works, and what doesn’t.  Then, develop a strategy that blows them away.

Content Creation

We create all images in house, so we will save you money on creating dynamic media that will win the hearts & minds of your customers.

Web Marketing Analytics

We create, we execute, and we track our results.  This helps us demonstrate value to you, and fine tune our strategy.

Feel free to talk to us

Please reach out to us, we really look forward to connecting, and get on the path to a brighter future for your business!


 Call Now! +1-919-729-6354